Brent Gym-10


Resistance bands are a great option for your pregnancy training program as they offer variety and convenience and can be used throughout your entire pregnancy when used safely.


How do they work?


Resistance bands come in different colors based on the resistance they have. You will notice the tubing of each band can feel thicker as they increase the resistance. You can use feet or arms to control the resistance or you can use things like a doorknob, door jamb or a railing to attach to the band.


Bands allow you to move more freely and achieve a greater range of motion, allowing you to create resistance from all directions—the side, overhead, below, etc. You can also adjust your angle of movement by moving the fixed point higher or lower and bands also allow you to mimic movements that you do in real life.


There are many exercises that can be done using a resistance band. Here are 4 exercises to incorporate into your fitness program:


Chest press- Loop the band through a sturdy object at chest height. With your back to the object, grab a handle in each hand and step forward until there’s no slack in the band. Your hands should be at your chest, elbows up and palms facing down. Press the handles forward and together at the same time.  Return slowly, being careful not to go past your shoulders. Do 12 to 15 reps, 2 times.


Seated row- Loop band through a sturdy object and grab both handles, wrists facing each other. Sit on a chair. Pull band back towards your chest as you squeeze your shoulder blades. Do 12 to 15 reps, 2 times.


Squat– Use hands to grab both sides of the band and place both feet in the middle of the band. Your feet should be shoulder width apart from each other. With palms facing forward, put the handles of the bands next to your shoulders. Slowly start to bend the knees and lower the legs so that your thighs are parallel to the floor while exhaling. Use the heel of your feet to push your body up to the starting position as you exhale. Do 12 to 15 reps, 2 times.


Shuffle– Stand on band and grab handles, keeping at chest height. Your feet should be about hip-width to shoulder-width apart; toes should both be pointing forward and your feet should be parallel. Keep your hips low (butt down) and knees bent; you should assume a half-squat position.Step laterally with one foot, as far as you can while keeping the band under your feet. Continue to walk in one direction 10-12 steps and change direction for another 10-12 steps.


Resistance bands can be a great addition to your exercise routine, especially during pregnancy. It’s important to execute these exercises safely, using proper technique and proper breathing. Remember to get clearance from your doctor before starting an exercise plan. If you need a demonstration on any of these exercises, let us know.






President, Personal Training Manager at Body By Brent LLC