

There are so many changes a woman’s body goes through during pregnancy. Let’s take a look at how these changes affect the body during exercise.


  • Musculoskeletal Changes-Pregnancy weight gain increases forces across joints in your body. As your center of gravity moves upward and outward, you may feel more joint discomfort especially in your back, pelvis and hips. Avoid exercises that can put a strain on your lower back and be aware of your balance during all exercises.


  • Cardiovascular Changes- Hormones  initiate relaxation and decreased responsiveness in most smooth muscle cells in a woman’s blood vessels. These hormonal changes result in an increase in the elasticity and volume of the entire circulatory system, affecting stroke volume (blood pumped per heartbeat). This is why it is not recommended to lay on your back past the 1st trimester or stand motionless. There is a significant decrease in cardiac output.


  • Respiratory System Changes- The delivery of oxygen to the mother and fetus is enhanced through improvements in lung function during pregnancy. At rest, an increase in the depth of each breath increases the amount of air inhaled by up to 50% or more. Later in pregnancy, the uterus will sit on the diaphragm making it harder to contract. You will need more energy to bring in the same amount of air and you may also feel out of breath more often.


While these changes may affect the type of exercise and the intensity at which you perform them, you can still get a great workout throughout most if not all of your pregnancy. If you would like a program specifically made for you, contact us!




President, Personal Training Manager at Body By Brent LLC