The return to exercise post C‐section is very much similar to the return to postnatal exercise after a vaginal birth. The goal of your training after your c-section is to strengthen your core and pelvic floor.  This needs to happen so that you can return to more intense workouts.  In regards to getting back to an exercise plan, consider these 3 tips:

  • Allow your body to adapt to an increase of movement. Exercise needs to be progressive and with proper overload. You need to have a plan in place and stick to it.  For example, start working out for a few minutes and gradually increase your time, an example might be an additional 5 minutes per workout every two weeks. Remember, if you feel sore then you did enough work to damage your muscles and more is not always better.


  • Give yourself plenty of recovery time. You need to schedule days off and cross training sessions into your workout plan.  Remember, all of your adaptions happen when you finish your workout.


  • If you have any bleeding or pain, stop working out. In this case, the phrases “no pain no gain” and “push through it” do not apply.  You need to stop immediately and contact your doctor’s office.  The best way to not have any postpartum complications is to be medically cleared by your physician to return to exercise and then once you are follow an appropriate progressive exercise program.


The goal in the very early weeks of exercise is to get moving and to strengthen your core. Focus on your breathing and on your posture.

For help planning these workouts, contact us!




President, Personal Training Manager at Body By Brent LLC