Encouraging a Healthy Lifestyle for your Kids




It is estimated that between 15-25% of school children in the United States are overweight, placing them at risk for heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure. (1) You can read more about childhood obesity in a previous blog post. Only about half of all Americans aged 12 to 21 exercises regularly. January is National Family Fit Lifestyle Month and what better time to establish healthy habits for the whole family?


Children who exercise:


  • Maintain a healthy body weight and reduce risks of diseases like diabetes

  • Have more energy

  • Improve brain function which can make them better at school

  • Can improve their self esteem


So, What Can You Do About It?


When parents set good examples, it makes it much easier for children to adopt these healthy lifestyles as just that- a lifestyle. According to the President’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports, children of two active parents were 5.8 times more likely to be active than were children of two inactive parents. (2) The key element in parental influence is their enjoyment of physical activity.


What are the issues that work against fitness?


  • Computers and video games play a large role in a sedentary lifestyle.

  • Longer school days with shorter recess cut into free time.

  • Organized sports can be costly and can limit the number of children who can participate.


There can be challenges, but there are ways to combat these issues. Here are some ways to provide the most effective means of fitness for your children:


  • Encourage indoor and outdoor activities that encourage cardiovascular health

  • Promote healthy eating habits

  • Make activity part of your routine


Here’s your action plan:


Encouraging your kids to go outside may not work as well as you going outside with them. Take a walk with them or get the ball out to play catch.  Plan to do this each night before dinner and make it a habit on the weekend to do a fun activity. Healthy eating habits can start with meal planning together and going grocery shopping as a family. Once you get the food home, involve them in preparing with you. Maybe they can help you cut up some fruit or veggies or tear lettuce or a salad. Make snacks healthy by keeping washed fruit available in a bowl. They might be more inclined to eat the fruit because it is easy to reach. Shut the television during dinner time. Use the time instead to talk about your day or anything fun that might be coming up in the next few days.


It’s easier to fit in exercise when you do it all together and can strengthen your bond because it encourages time together. Tell us how you incorporate your healthy lifestyle into your children’s lives.




  1. “January is National Family Fit Lifestyle Month”. Accessed 20, December 2015. Mygutinstinct.org. http://mygutinstinct.org/january-is-national-family-fit-lifestyle-month/
  2. “National Family Fit Lifestyle Month: Parents’ Role in Modeling Family Fitness”. Accessed 20, December 2015. Playitsafeplaygrounds.org. http://www.playitsafeplaygrounds.com/tuesdays-at-the-park/national-family-fit-lifestyle-month-parents-role-in-modeling-family-fitness/
  3. “5 Simple Steps to Success”. Accessed 20,December 2015. Letsmove.gov. http://www.letsmove.gov/parent
  4. Image courtesy of photostock at FreeDigitalPhotos.net




President, Personal Training Manager at Body By Brent LLC