Ageism: What is the Issue with Aging?

“Dying young as old as possible.” I can’t remember who said the quote but I first heard about the concept of ageism two years ago while attending a conference. The session was about training the older adult population and the mindset that many mature...

What is Man’s Best Medicine?

  “Exercise is man’s best medicine.” -Hippocrates, 400 B.C. That statement was said over 2,000 years ago and still holds true. Exercise helps almost every medical condition and chronic illness. Researchers in England found that those...

Who Wins? The Battle of Exercise versus Genetics

Is it genetics? Or is it your physical activity levels? That is the question I hear the most when it comes to a client’s body composition.  Body composition is one part of the overall equation to being in tip top shape (the other four being muscle strength,...

Does Going on a Diet Actually Work?

Turn on the TV. Listen to the radio. Go on the internet or social media.  If you did any of these you will find advertisements and information about the next type of diet.  You may even find the next “diet to end all diets.”  A study examining weight gain...