

The average American consumes more than 4,500 calories and 229 grams of fat during a typical Thanksgiving dinner.(1) This includes all of the snacking leading up to the big event, the turkey and all its trimmings and the drinks you consume to wash down all of these bites.


Oh boy, you’re going to need a workout strategy!


While many of you may be traveling far, driving from one family member to the next or hosting a lot of people, there is still PLENTY of time to get workouts in over the next few days. Here are some ideas to maximize your calorie burn.


This weekend, plan for short workouts with higher intensity. Keep the workouts moving by taking shorter rest breaks and increase the intensity when you can.


Workout #1- to be completed in under 15 minutes*


100 jumping jacks

50 mountain climbers

25 body weight squats

25 pushups

15*  back lunges *per side

25 tricep dips

50 russian twists

1 min plank


*Done in under 15 minutes? Repeat it ( or at least continue until the 15 minutes is up).


Workout #2 do as many rounds as possible (AMRAP) in 12 minutes


Grab a set of weights and a step. Don’t have either? Grab cans or water bottles for the weight and use a low bench or the bottom of the stairs as your step.


20 lunge jumps

10 squat to overhead press

12 renegade rows- push up into row, 6 per side

12 step ups to back lunge, 6 per side

20 plank twists


Workout #3 -about 13 minutes


Each exercise is performed for one minute, move from one to the next with a 15 second break in between. If you need a longer break, take it but try to keep moving so you can get as close to the full minute of work as possible.


minute 1:00- squat jumps

minute 2:00-walking lunges

minute 3:00- pushups

minute 4:00 side lunges -alternate leg

minute 5:00 bridges

minute 6:00 mountain climbers

minute 7:00 wall sit

minute 8:00 crab walks

minute 9:00 tricep dips

minute 10:00 supermen

minute 11:00 high knees

minute 12:00 quadrupeds. Start on hands and knees and extend out opposite leg and arm


All of these workouts can be modified to your fitness level. The goal is to keep a challenging pace so that you get the benefits of a shorter workout. If you have more time, plan to rest more in between exercises and extend the length of the workout. Give yourself a couple of minutes at the end for a stretch. If you have any questions about these exercises, please contact us before getting started. Enjoy your holiday!




  1. “Stuff the Bird, Not Yourself: How to Deal with the 3,000 Calorie Thanksgiving Meal”. Accessed 23, November 2o15. Calorie Control Council.
  2. Image courtesy of holohololand at




President, Personal Training Manager at Body By Brent LLC