I would like to share with you a post from a blog that I subscribe to.  The blog is Joe to Pro Cycling in which a professional cyclist discusses everything cycling, racing and fitness.  If you are interested in getting into the world of cycling, he has some pretty interesting stuff.  So, there is my plug which I am not getting paid for.  To read more about what I do not get paid for and what I do get paid for, check out the BODY BY BRENT disclosure policy.


I wrote about the old adage “you are what you eat” recently, specifically pertaining to raw fruits and vegetables.  Since reading the Joe to Pro Cyclists post, I have further been enlightened.  He found that the phrase “you are what you eat” is actually derived from a french phrase, which in french originally says, “Tell me what you eat and I shall tell you what you are.”  Since he is a competitive cyclist he states the following:


Does what you put in your body reflect you are a competitive cyclist?

  • If I look in your garage and see your bike(s), your gear, your stuff…I think I would know you’re a competitive cyclist.
  • If I look at your bank statement, I think I would be able to see you’re a competitive cyclist because of your recent purchases.
  • If I look at your calendar, I think I would be able to see that you are a competitive cyclist.
  • If I look at your computer and your browser history, I think I would be able to tell you are a competitive cyclist.

To equate this to the person with weight loss goals is simple.  Is what your eating reflecting that of a person that you envision as the fit, thinner you?  Are you eating the way that you should to reach your goal?  Nutrition is key to reaching your goals.  You can exercise all you’d like, but it’s what you do outside of the gym/training that really matters.

Photo credit: Grant Cochrane http://www.freedigitalphotos.net/images/view_photog.php?photogid=2365




President, Personal Training Manager at Body By Brent LLC