

It is common for almost every pregnant woman to have Diastasis Recti.  The degree of separation is what varies. We wanted to follow up about the information we wrote about Diastasis Recti and provide step by step instructions on how to check for Diastasis Recti and learn the degrees of severity. A test that you perform does not necessarily replace a test done by a doctor, but it helps to indicate if you do in fact have Diastasis Recti and how big the separation might be. Let’s get started!


This is a test to be performed  after you have your baby.


  • Lie on your back with your feet on the floor and your knees up. You may want to start by laying on your side and rolling onto your back in the “log roll” maneuver we mentioned in our previous post.


  • Place one hand behind your head. From the other hand take 3 fingers starting at the sternum and work gently down following your midline towards and below belly button.


  • After feeling the connective tissue, take 3 fingers vertically and push down  at belly button as you lift head up into a slight crunching position. Only your head should come off the floor. You can repeat a few times to get a sense of how it feels.


  • Next, you will turn those fingertips so they are horizontal, or wider than the last test. Push down just above your belly button as you lift your head from the floor.


  • Next, push down at your belly button.


  • Finally, repeat below the belly button.


So, what are you feeling for?

You are feeling for a gap  and how many finger widths can fit in this gap.


You may have Diastasis Recti if:


  • A gap of more than 2 1/2 finger-widths when the rectus abdominis is fully contracted.


  • The gap does not shrink as you contract your abdominal wall.


  • You can see a small mound protruding along the length of you midline.



If you feel that you might have Diastasis Recti based on this test, consult your doctor. Stay tuned next time when we discuss exercises you can do to recover! If you have questions in the meantime, contact us.



President, Personal Training Manager at Body By Brent LLC