Do you have glute amnesia?

When you think about “core strength” … what do you think of? Six-pack abs? A flat tummy? A tiny waist? Think again! Let’s dive into all things CORE over the next few weeks — and I think you’ll be wildly surprised at just how much your core strength affects your...

How do you take time for yourself?

Today we have a guest blog post from Christine Stevens of Sleepy Tots Consulting. Christine Stevens is a certified sleep consultant and mother. She shares her experience on taking time for yourself and the surprising benefits in doing so. She shares with us how she...

Bump on the Hump: Squats

    Have you been doing your squats? If you answered no then your really missing out on one of life’s great exercises! Squats are an essential exercise, especially during pregnancy. Why are squats so great and how do you do them? Read on.   They...