Here’s your scenario. You just had your baby, received your six week exercise clearance and now you’re itching to get back out into the world of fitness (or go there for the first time). There isn’t as much time on your own because you always have baby in tow but you would like get out and meet some like minded moms. What’s a girl to do? You have seen ads for mom and baby bootcamps all over and think it’s such a good idea- it’s everything you were hoping for. New moms, exercise, bringing your baby. Done. While it may seem like a great idea, my job is to tell you what to watch for and how to be safe when joining these bootcamp style groups.
The Most Important Step
First, you need to know if your body is ready for any exercise- let alone a high intensity bootcamp. You may have gotten your medical clearance but you really need to listen to your body. At the very minimum physically, you are looking for no bleeding, no aches or pains and a healed Diastasis Recti. You are also making sure you have been able to get some rest or sleep on a regular basis.
Once you are ready to start, pay close attention to these three tips:
- The most common thing missed in the programming of these workouts is that all moms are not the same. Each birth is different and each recovery is different. A woman with an uncomplicated vaginal delivery may have had a different recovery than an emergency C-section. A woman coming in from her six week postpartum clearance to a woman well over 6 months postpartum will look differently as well. Sometimes these programs are not created to be geared towards the differences where you are in your postpartum recovery.
- These programs include a lot of jumping, running, lots of core work. Are you familiar with these exercises? Is it too high of an impact? Do you know what your proper form should look like? Is the instructor correcting your form, or giving you modifications when needed? These programs are usually paced at a higher intensity- do you feel over worked without the right amount of rest?
- While you may want to keep up with the class, you want to go at your own pace. One mom might be an amateur athlete with a 9 month old. Her ability and stamina might look a little different from yours. While it is great to have the community to “push you”, remember to do it in a safe and effective way.
Bootcamps do not need to be off the table. It’s a matter of finding one that programs you safely and effectively, with a trained professional who is able to modify and direct you appropriately. As always, listen to your body and make sure you are ready for this type of workout. Don’t feel badly if you can’t “keep up” or do what the mom next to you is doing. Read more here on postpartum fitness.
We can help guide you through the process of what to look for when choosing an exercise program that is right for you. Contact us so we can answer your questions.